Tt is for Tools
I found the coolest Tools Pack from Mamas Monkeys
All of the tools printables came from her.
This week was different - Both kids were not feeling so great - Dad was out of town hunting, and I was getting run down so our schedule was off. We persevered and got everything done, just at different times.
Morning Time with Jumping Bean and Curious:
I Help Curious roll the play-doh but, J.B. he picks a bunch of pieces and puts them in the shape.
Curious did roll the play-doh a little - but mostly put the play-doh in the container.
The Play-doh Mats came from 1+1+1=1
The Play-doh Mats came from 1+1+1=1
This went much better than last week.
I was surprised by how Curious really tried to stay on the dots.
I got the Tt Do-A-Dot Page from Confessions Of A Homeschooler
I got the Tt Do-A-Dot Page from Confessions Of A Homeschooler
Last week J.B. was so particular in matching the colors. This week he did not care.
Curious did stay at the table this time and just played with the pom-poms.
The Turtle Magnet page came from Making Learning Fun
The Top and Tire page came from Home School Creations
The Turtle Magnet page came from Making Learning Fun
The Top and Tire page came from Home School Creations
Part of Raising Rock Stars - This week the puppets were the stone tablets. So I used this Bible because it captured Curious attention, and read the short story of Moses and the 10 commandments while they played with their puppets.
Morning Time in Tok:
Curious and J.B. playing with Play-doh and using Tt objects like a train cookie cutter, Tt stamps, a bolt from our play tool box, and Tt cookie cutter.
Aunt Mel is an artist and could not resist jumping in and sculpting objects that start with Tt
J.B. loved it!
I had bought these cut outs for a baby shower and did not use them so thought this would be fun. Some foam trains and letter Tt to put on the train. Of course J.B.'s train is Green - because our color for the week is Green.
One on One Time with Jumping Bean:
Sizing Hammers from smallest to biggest
Working on our Letter Tt Page for the Alphabet Book
Jumping Bean cut and pasted all on his own! Good Job!!!
Each card has a certain number of tools and J.B. has to match the clothes pin number to the correct number on the card.
Some different Handwriting practice sheets. Curious got in on this one!
Turtles came from COAHS
Turtles came from COAHS
Writing the letter Tt.
Jumping Bean working on Tool Puzzles
Tool Color sheet - I colored the words for him and he matched the handles.
Yes I think he know he did a good job!
More color matching Tools.
I printed this and laminated it then realized it was supposed to be a book.
So I just left it as this and we matched up our clothes pins.

Cutting practice - Job well done!

Tools shadow matching. J.B. liked all the tools

Jumping Bean had to show me what was different. - he picked this up pretty quick.

Tools patterns - J.B. is good with patterns this was fun!

Both boys got in on the vocab cards.
Curious liked the train! I was surprised to see him sit and pay attention.

Cutting practice - Job well done!

Tools shadow matching. J.B. liked all the tools

Jumping Bean had to show me what was different. - he picked this up pretty quick.

Tools patterns - J.B. is good with patterns this was fun!

Both boys got in on the vocab cards.
Curious liked the train! I was surprised to see him sit and pay attention.

Jumping Bean with the Train Lacing Card.

One day for lunch I made the boys train PB&J's

J.B. and I played a game called Race to the Tool Box. You choose a tool and draw a number to see how many spaces you can go. 1st to make it to the tool box wins. - I'm sure J.B. won.
Raising Rock Star Time:

This is how Raising Rock Stars Tt looked.

Working on the Ten Commandments. As we glued the numbers on the tablets we went over each command that God gave to Moses to write down - in short easy sentences.

Working with our Letter Tt and sight word the.
J.B. reading his The Turtle Book

Learning more Tt words in Scripture like Trust - Trust in the Lord with all your Heart

Curious got in on the sight word plus vocab cards. Curious took hold of the Turtle book and looked it over and over and over. The second pic I thought was too funny - they both have such a weird look on their face and I have no idea why. But they are having fun.

Letter Tt verse - this is J.B.'s - Yes I did it pose!!!

Cutting out our verse and seeing how long / tall it is.
Thanks so much for the sweet comment & the link. It's so much fun to see how others are using the packs! It may have been an accident that you laminated the book, but you turned it into a fun, hands-on activity. I love it! :)