Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Service Project - Love a Child

Love a Child!

2 years ago I flew to Portland with a very dear friend to visit some close friends. 
I got to spend some time with then a little girl named Allison. 
Allison is a very special little girl - who won my heart!
With soo many homeless people in Portland - Allison had an idea to put some items in a shoe box that would help them. - When ever her family came across a homeless person they would get a shoe box from the car and give it to them. 

This idea has stuck with me for a long, long time. I kept thinking how that would work here in AK
In sharing this idea with Another Play Group Mom - She helped see the idea become a Service Project. 

The idea is a box filled with items the kids would need and use. 
This Box is from a child to a child with a simple colored pic sharing the gospel.

Here is a sample box - The first thing a chid gets is a message from Christ - then all their goodies

The Bethel Church Play Group came in with a huge donation. We had 15 mom's sign up to each bring 15 of the same items, a book, and a shoe box.

Our Gift Box List:
Tooth paste, Tooth brushes, Soap, Washcloths, Small Kleenex, Juice Boxes, Hot Chocolate, Z Cliff Bars, New Testament Bibles, A Chapter Book, Stretchy Gloves, Socks, Flash Lights, Colored Pencils, Mechanical Pencils, Hand Wipes, Some fun Candy, and Little Mazes.

We started out by having our children color a pic to put in the box. 
We decided to use a pic from RRS with the verse Philippians 4:13


Mom's Helping little ones color.

2 sweet girls showing their pics.

Yes that is J.B. showing his color page.

Another little one excited about his color page

2 girls diligently coloring their pages just right.

Next Mom and Chid with box in hand went down the line putting 1 item each in the box

Mom and son with baby filling a box.

We were able to make 15 boxes that day. The kids and moms had a lot of fun!
4 boxes were delivered to a down town school with certain children in mind.
The rest where delivered to our Fairbanks Rescue Mission as welcome boxes for the incoming children.

Who knows how God will use this to touch the life of a little one!
I know God has used a little one named Allison to touch my life and countless others!

I hope this inspires you to think a little closer to home this holiday season. 
If you take on such a project - Please, Please Pray about it first, and through out!
When God gives you a mission or a task - be sure the enemy is there waiting to fumble it up.

1 comment:

  1. What super cool project - LOVE it! Thanks for sharing on TGIF Linky Party - I can't wait to see what you link up next! I am your newest followr and would love for you to follow me back, if you want =-)


For Kind or Encouraging Words - Thanks