Wednesday, October 19, 2011

E is for Elephant

E is for Elephant

For the week of 10/10 - 10/14 we worked on the letter Ee for Elephant
Most of this weeks printables came from COHS

I added some of Jumping Beans silly faces to this post - to show his sense of humor. For him it is fun to make a silly face to the camera. 

Morning Time with the Boys:

Learning the letter Ee. Our color this week is purple. The play-doh mats came from 1+1+1=1
I also added the cookie cutters and stamps, because we were not getting to do it on Fridays.

Do-A-Dots with the letter Ee in yes the color Purple

Using our pompom magnets - J.B. was doing a great job - Curious was not so interested - he wanted to play with is Tot tray. You can read about this home made toy from this post Curious Tot Time
The E is for... magnet page came from Home School Creations

We went from magnets to puzzles - The boys pick this out of the puzzle shelf. - The third pic is not very good I just wanted to show how Curious was all about stacking the shapes. 

Another morning we got out the trains. - Because we were having a hard time sharing each got their little oval to pay in.  We are still working on sharing the trains!

Curious was around for some color matching Elephants. So J.B. was happy to teach Curious what he was doing - then the boys ran around the house waving their "flags" for the big race! (LOL) 

One on One with Jumping Bean:

Making our letter Ee page. As J.B. glues them on we talk about what each pic is and the sound that it makes.  

Some cutting practice

Some different writing practices and Ee sheets - I just love the last pic with that face!! (LOL)

Here he is working on his Ee is for Elephant puzzle - I put it together first we talk about what the pic looks like then he puts it together second. - In the second pic he is pretending to be an Elephant, sound and all. 

J.B. loves to paint - This was sooo fun for him and he was soo careful to paint just right. 
I was really surprised at how well he stayed in the lines! - GREAT JOB!!!

This is our vocab cards - learning that the letter Ee makes two sounds,
 a Hard E sound and a soft E sound. 
So we left the Hard E's on the table and put the soft E's on the soft purple felt.

Sorting Big (Capital) E from small (lowercase) e
I printed the Elephant letters on magnet paper and then we put the magnets on the fridge
Both boys payed with them through the week.

Sizing Elephants - J.B. is getting better at this - He started to talk through it on his own this time.

Counting Elephants - J.B. put them in order from 1 to 10

Then we added these clothes pins - matching 1(one) to 1 - J.B. gets the 6 and the 9 mixed up sometimes. Then Mom's 4 does not look like the Elephants 4 - so we talked about how you can write it different sometimes and that it does not make it wrong just different.

Building Elephant patterns - We subbed red for pink in pic 1 and red for purple in pic 2 
I hope he got the idea of making and building the pattern. - I think we will keep trying this. 
ABAB is easy for him - any other patterns are hard.

Raising Rock Star Time:

Here is what our RRS Letter E Board looked like this week:
Letter: Ee
Color: Purple
Number: 6
Word: is
Verse: Proverbs 20:11

The boys coloring their verses.

Making the puppets for our song - We sang "Jesus Loves Me" and "I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N."

Reading our book and learning the word is
We used our Purple Do-A-Dot to highlight the word

We read our book and used the basket and egg to act out the book. Learning words like above, below, behind, in front, in, out. Example the book would say - The egg is behind the basket - so J.B. would put the egg behind the basket.
When we were done we glued the egg and verse on the basket.

Learning other Ee words in the bible like Eyes - Open the Eyes of my Heart Lord.

Ee verse with Ee writing practice.

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For Kind or Encouraging Words - Thanks