Xx is for Xylophone
We had fun with the xylophone's - We even made one - tool style! It worked great.
So Jumping Bean went to get his snack from the table and instead of scooting his chair out he decided to climb in - well he fell backwards and ended up breaking his Collar Bone - That is what is up with the shoulder and arm braces. Trust me - it does not slow him down much!
Most of the printables came from
COHS - letter Xx. On the right hand column you can click on Erica's blog button the one with the flower to see what she is up to. Erica offers many many many great ideas!
Thank you for sharing all of your ideas and printables - we are blessed!
Morning Time with the Boys:
They both are getting really good at rolling out the play-doh - Yes, I help Curious, but J.B. does his own
I did not have a pink Do -A-Dot so we used pink paint and our finger prints instead.
Jumping Bean was real careful to fill the whole circle in - curious was lucky to get from finger from the paint to the paper! (LOL)
This is apart of
Raising Rock Stars - but so much apart of our mornings - We used the puppets to say our verse, and sing songs.
One to One with Jumping Bean:
Working on the Xylophone lacing cards - he needed and extra hand so I helped hole it.
Well because his shoulder was hurting I cut all the pics out for him this time - I even did the glue - J.B. put the pics on the page and we talked about what they are and what Xx says.
Color Matching - I colored and wrote the color on clothes pins - J.B. had to match the color to the correct xylophone. - He set them up as a road block for on coming cars. - the imagination at work.
We played a game where he had to build a Xylophone. - You flip a card number over and for that number you get a piece to build your xylophone.
Putting the Xx is for Xylophone puzzle together.
This is a letter search - Jumping Bean has to find all the X's on the page - I gave him a pink crayon to color them as he found them.
Some different Xx practice writing sheets
Painting has to be Jumping Bean's most favorite activity!!!! He just loves this and takes it sooo seriously.
We are working on our vocab cards - There was only 1 soft X sound - xylophone so we put it on soft pink felt. - Pink is our color this week.
X also says X-Ray and Jumping Bean got to get his x-ray taken of his shoulder and collar bone so that was good timing - I guess?
Matching Xylophone shapes - I would give him a shape he had to tell me what the shape was then find the match.
Sizing Xylophones - It's fun to listen to him he will talk through it asking himself questions - "Is this one bigger than this one?"
I do not have a toy xylophone and did not want to go buy one - so we made one tool style!
Took two of Dad's leftover boards, wrapped them in felt - we used pink and purple because we are learning about pink - and sized the wrenches - each wrench makes a different sound. - J.B. really like this and had fun making music. - I played "Marry Had A Little Lamb" for him.
Counting Xylophone bars - there were 8 total.
Making Xylophone patterns - the AA, B pattern went pretty well this time.
Raising Rock Stars:
Color: Pink
Letter: Xx
Number: 7
Word: little
Verse: Matthew 18:3

J.B. decided to color his verse pic pink because that is the color we are learning about.
J.B. making the puppets and Curious and J.B. singing songs and saying the verse. We sang "Jesus Love Me." and "Jesus Loves The Little Children"
Jumping Bean with his Xx verse - He was writing his name - Not bad - The J is from last year in preschool with Teacher Diana, and Teacher Amy - Good memory!
Cutting and taping our verse
J.B. and his very long verse.